Yeshewawork, Ethiopia
Yeshewawork is in her 20s. She lost her right leg due to a serious gangrene infection.
She was traumatised by the experience and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. She was also rejected by her family and felt like she couldn't do anything for herself. After a few months of being discharged from the hospital and completing her rehabilitation with a prosthesis orthosis device for her amputated leg, Yeshewawork was able to get help from the We Are Able project.
After she became a member of an OPD, she took part in different disability-related trainings and got peer counselling and support from OPD members. She was also able to join an income generating activity group (IGA) that consists of five members, three of whom are women.
In the IGA group, Yeshewawork received short-term training (three months) in basic computer and IT skills. After successfully completing the training, the group lobbied the government body to secure a working area in the compounds of the Woreda administration and also received basic working equipment from TLM and ENAPAL. With this support, Yeshewawork and other group members were able to start their own business providing basic computer services such as photocopying, printing, writing, laminating and binding.
'I am dreaming of increasing the quality and scope of our services through fulfilling some remaining gaps, in collaboration with all group members and other partners.’